With only 34 days left until the General Election on November 4, I am working hard, going door to door, continuing to meet the amazing constituents iimagen our District. I met Joe Greenley, World War II veteran, Oregon State University graduate, former director of Fish and Game for Nevada, Alaska and Idaho, a husband, father, and grandfather. At 92 years old, he stood larger than life in his doorway as he shared his life and times, all documented in a book that his son helped him write to share his life with his grandchildren. Joe loves the outdoors and dedicated his life to conservation and sound wildlife management. It is such a pleasure to meet such a great community member.

I also met a wonderful resident named Toni, who joined me on her beautiful north end porch, and let me know that she wasn’t “very political.” However, as we talked more, I discovered she is working with a group that has a bill before Congress to improve treatment for lymphedema patients. She shared her very strong convictions to make the lives of others better.

I met a very strong woman living with cancer, who has one of the best perspectives on life that I have heard. And I even met the infamous Johnny Roller, radio personality and musician.

This campaign has been a great opportunity for me to continue to hear about the real joys and challenges of the members of our community along with your political priorities. I have heard from many people about the following themes: appropriately fund education, support teachers, integrate the Idaho Core Standards, increase minimum wage, protect our federal and public land, and Add the Words “sexual orientation and gender identity” to the Idaho Human Rights Act.

We live in a dynamic and diverse district; I am proud to be working on your behalf. Thank you for sharing your stories and convictions.image