I wish I had better news to report; after an 18 day recess, the House advanced S1110 that makes it nearly impossible for citizens to hold gov’t accountable through ballot initiatives and the Senate’s first bill out of the gate was an abortion bill that...
Idaho Democratic Party leadership provides an overview of the latest news from the Statehouse, legislation in the works from the minority party, and helpful information for...
The Senate passed a second version of the higher education budget last week, but not before they cut $409K from Boise State’s Budget to punish them for providing social justice programming and curricula. “They’re going to get the message,” said the bill sponsor....
Idaho Democratic Party leadership provides an overview of the latest news from the Statehouse, legislation in the works from the minority party, and helpful information for...
Idaho Democratic Party leadership provides an overview of the latest news from the Statehouse, legislation in the works from the minority party, and helpful information for...