Jan 18, 2016 | Human Rights
I had the honor of addressing the crowd at the recent rally on the Statehouse steps on Saturday, January 16, 2016. It was a rainy day, but the crowd didn’t let them dampen spirits. (Speech from Rally on Jan. 16, 2016) I come before you today with a message of...
Jan 18, 2016 | Civil Discourse
This year’s legislative session started with a daylong training about how we, as legislators, could find common ground with our peers and solve problems. I had the honor of attending facilitator training from the National Institute for Civil Discourse this past...
Apr 3, 2015 | Human Rights
It was an honor to speak at the Press Conference today with Planned Parenthood and so many amazing supporters of women’s rights. Here are my comments: Access to a full range of quality health care services is the bedrock for women’s safety and equality. Access to...
Apr 3, 2015 | Health Care, News & Events
I introduced a bill on Thursday to provide for a $150 cap on oral chemotherapy drugs to put them on par with the costs associated with IV chemotherapy. Over 8,000 Idahoans were diagnosed with cancer in 2015. Oncologists prescribe anti-cancer drugs that can be...
Jan 25, 2015 | Public Lands
Saving the Greatest Generation’s Biggest Investment The greatest generation invested billions of their dollars into the world’s greatest infrastructure – now our generation is locked in a struggle to save our transportation system after years of neglect. In his...