Jun 3, 2020 | Civil Discourse, Human Rights, News & Events
Hope. That is the word and the feeling that finally washed over me last night as I stood with thousands of masked community members as they reverently paid respect to George Floyd and many of the black people killed at the hands of police in the past. At the edge of...
Apr 15, 2020 | News & Events
It came as a huge relief when Governor Little announced that the stay-at-home order would continue and that upcoming decisions to “re-open” business should be done based on the best scientific information available. Our current health care systems have not been...
Jan 13, 2020 | Budget / Government Spending, News & Events
We are fearlessly starting off this legislative session with our hopes high and strong! On the first day of session, Governor Brad Little’s 2020 State of the State address hit many of the right notes about investing in education, transportation, and...
Feb 21, 2016 | News & Events, Uncategorized
Local Control – Are Counties and Cities mere “Creatures of the State?” There is a growing trend in the Capitol where more politicians want to strip local decision-making authority from cities and counties. We saw this last session with banning the...
Apr 3, 2015 | Health Care, News & Events
I introduced a bill on Thursday to provide for a $150 cap on oral chemotherapy drugs to put them on par with the costs associated with IV chemotherapy. Over 8,000 Idahoans were diagnosed with cancer in 2015. Oncologists prescribe anti-cancer drugs that can be...
Oct 26, 2014 | Civil Discourse, News & Events
… to meet as many constituents as possible, of course, and to get voters to the polls. “Why are you out here,” is a common question I get at the door when I’m meeting people in the district. “You don’t have an opponent; you’re going to win,”...