Take Action – 2025 Legislative Session Resources
Weekly Newsletter Update
Make Your Voice Matter:
Tips for public testimony and contacting your legislator
Whether it’s giving public testimony (in person or virtually), emailing, calling, or meeting with your legislator, remember: be intentional, thoughtful, and specific:
Be Intentional:
- Do: Engage with purpose. Make sure you’re reaching out to applicable lawmakers and committees who actually have a say in your issue of concern.
- Don’t: Use copy/paste forms to spam legislators, without regard to their stance or influence on a bill.
Be Thoughtful:
Do: Use measured and respectful discourse to share your perspective.
Don’t: Resort to personal attacks or threats.
Be Specific:
- Do: Keep your message focused on the bill and desired outcome.
- Don’t: Make broad, sweeping accusations or assumptions.
- Don’t: Make misleading or false statements of fact.
Public Testimony Overview
Idaho has an open legislative process. All committee action on Administrative Rules and legislation that has been assigned a bill number is conducted in open session. Once one of the above items has been introduced, it is assigned to a standing committee for study and consideration. The committee Chairman determines when it is scheduled for a hearing. Public testimony is permitted at most committee meetings.
Crafting Your Testimony in 5 Steps
1. Begin by addressing the Committee Chair and members.
- “Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members of the committee.”
2. Introduce yourself: your name, address (for the public record), and your position.
- “My name is Jane Smith, I live at 123 N 8th St in Boise, and I’m here to testify in favor of House Bill X.”
3. Reference something in your background to connect why you care about this issue.
- “As an educator, I see every day how our children are going without the supplies they need.”
4. Say what the bill will do and why that impact is good or bad.
- “This bill will provide the critical funding our classrooms and children need to be successful.”
5. Wrap up by restating how you want the committee to vote. Offer to stand for any questions.
- “I urge you to vote to send this bill to the House floor with a Do Pass recommendation. Thank you. I’ll stand for any questions from the committee.”
Remote Testimony Registration
Links to register to testify remotely are available on the committee agenda and on the committee webpage, please select the committee of interest available from the links in the section below. Once on the committee webpage click on the meeting agenda or the Testimony Registration tab.
Senate Standing Committees:
Agricultural Affairs
Meeting Days: T, Th, 8:00 am, Room WW53
Secretary: Rachel Verrette
Email: sagri@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1330
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Tammy Nichols
- Vice Chair: Christy Zito
- Todd M. Lakey
- Dave Lent
- Julie VanOrden
- Camille Blaylock
- Joshua Kohl
- Carrie Semmelroth
- Ron C. Taylor
Commerce and Human Resources
Meeting Days: T, Th, 1:30 pm, Room WW54
Secretary: Linda Kambeitz
Email: scom@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1333
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Daniel D. Foreman
- Vice Chair: Brian Lenney
- Todd M. Lakey
- Jim Guthrie
- Tammy Nichols
- Treg A. Bernt
- Christy Zito
- Janie Ward-Engelking
- James D. Ruchti
Meeting Days: M, T, W, Th, 3:00 pm, Room WW55
Secretary: Savahanna Phelan
Email: sedu@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1321
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Dave Lent
- Vice Chair: Kevin Cook
- James W. Woodward
- Tammy Nichols
- Cindy J. Carlson
- Van T. Burtenshaw
- Christy Zito
- Janie Ward-Engelking
- Carrie Semmelroth
Meeting Days: Daily, 8:00 am, Room C310
Secretary: Linsy Heiner
Email: sfin@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 334-4735
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: C. Scott Grow
- Vice Chair: James W. Woodward
- Kevin Cook
- Carl J. Bjerke
- Phil Hart
- Cindy J. Carlson
- Glenneda Zuiderveld
- Codi Galloway
- Janie Ward-Engelking
- Melissa Wintrow
Health and Welfare
Meeting Days: M, T, W, Th, 3:00 pm, Room WW54
Secretary: Rebecca Kozlowski
Email: shel@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1319
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Julie VanOrden
- Vice Chair: Carl J. Bjerke
- Mark Harris
- Glenneda Zuiderveld
- Brian Lenney
- Brandon Shippy
- Camille Blaylock
- Josh Keyser
- Melissa Wintrow
Judiciary and Rules
Meeting Days: M, W, F, 1:30 pm, Room WW54
Secretary: Sharon Pennington
Email: sjud@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1317
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Todd M. Lakey
- Vice Chair: Brandon Shippy
- Doug Ricks
- Daniel D. Foreman
- Dave Lent
- Brian Lenney
- Josh Keyser
- Melissa Wintrow
- James D. Ruchti
Local Government and Taxation
Meeting Days: T, W, Th, 3:00 pm, Room WW53
Secretary: Meg Lawless
Email: sloc@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1315
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Doug Ricks
- Vice Chair: Ben Adams
- C. Scott Grow
- Kelly Arthur Anthon
- Treg A. Bernt
- Lori Den Hartog
- Ben Toews
- Alison Rabe
- Ron C. Taylor
Resources and Environment
Meeting Days: M, W, F, 1:30 pm, Room WW55
Secretary: Shelly Johnson
Email: sres@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1323
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Van T. Burtenshaw
- Vice Chair: Phil Hart
- Jim Guthrie
- Mark Harris
- Doug Okuniewicz
- Kevin Cook
- Julie VanOrden
- Joshua Kohl
- Ron C. Taylor
State Affairs
Meeting Days: M, W, F, 8:00 am, Room WW55
Secretary: Kathryn Wells
Email: sstaf@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1326
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Jim Guthrie
- Vice Chair: Treg A. Bernt
- Kelly Arthur Anthon
- Mark Harris
- Ben Toews
- Lori Den Hartog
- Ben Adams
- Brandon Shippy
- James D. Ruchti
Meeting Days: T, Th, 1:30 pm, Room WW53
Secretary: Melissa Price
Email: stran@senate.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1332
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Doug Okuniewicz
- Vice Chair: Josh Keyser
- Van T. Burtenshaw
- Phil Hart
- Ben Adams
- Codi Galloway
- Joshua Kohl
- Alison Rabe
- Carrie Semmelroth
House Standing Committees:
Agricultural Affairs
Meeting Days: Even Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW42
Secretary: Jayne Feik
Email: hagri@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1137
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Kevin Andrus
- Vice Chair: Jerald Raymond
- David M. Cannon
- Lori McCann
- Jeff Ehlers
- Dan Garner
- Jack Nelsen
- Douglas T. Pickett
- Mark Sauter
- Steve Miller
- Robert Beiswenger
- Shawn Dygert
- David J. Leavitt
- Ron Mendive
- John Shirts
- Chris Mathias
- Theodore B. Achilles
Meeting Days: Daily, am, Room C310
Secretary: Alyson Jackson
Email: happ@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 334-4736
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Wendy Horman
- Vice Chair: Steve Miller
- Rod Furniss
- Clay Handy
- James Petzke
- Josh Tanner
- Dustin Manwaring
- Brandon Mitchell
- Elaine Price
- Soñia R. Galaviz
Meeting Days: Odd Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW41
Secretary: Michelle Anderson
Email: hbus@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1139
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Lance W. Clow
- Vice Chair: Jordan Redman
- Brent Crane
- Joe A. Palmer
- Vito Barbieri
- Jeff J. Cornilles
- Jaron Crane
- Jeff Ehlers
- Jason A. Monks
- David M. Cannon
- Kyle Harris
- Kent Marmon
- Cornel Rasor
- Faye Thompson
- Josh Wheeler
- Steve Berch
- Brooke Green
Commerce and Human Resources
Meeting Days: Odd Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW05
Secretary: Wendy Carver-Herbert
Email: hcom@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1149
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: James Holtzclaw
- Vice Chair: Tony Wisniewski
- Jon O. Weber
- Lori McCann
- Richard W. Cheatum
- Dori Healey
- Robert Beiswenger
- Chris Bruce
- Tanya Burgoyne
- Lucas B. Cayler
- Ben G. Fuhriman
- David J. Leavitt
- Steve C. Tanner
- Megan Egbert
- Theodore B. Achilles
Meeting Days: Daily, 9:00 am, Room EW41
Secretary: Amy Bengtzen
Email: hedu@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1148
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Douglas T. Pickett
- Vice Chair: Dale R. Hawkins
- Lance W. Clow
- Ron Mendive
- Barbara Ehardt
- Tony Wisniewski
- Dan Garner
- Jack Nelsen
- Mark Sauter
- Kyle Harris
- Kent Marmon
- Steve C. Tanner
- Chris Mathias
- Monica C. Church
Environment, Energy and Technology
Meeting Days: Even Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW41
Secretary: Wendy Carver-Herbert
Email: henv@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1128
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Vito Barbieri
- Vice Chair: Rod Furniss
- John Vander Woude
- Wendy Horman
- Heather Scott
- Tony Wisniewski
- Britt Raybould
- Jordan Redman
- Chris Bruce
- Tanya Burgoyne
- Ben G. Fuhriman
- Steve C. Tanner
- Faye Thompson
- Ilana Rubel
- Megan Egbert
- Soñia R. Galaviz
Ethics and House Policy
Meeting Days: On Call, pm, Room EW41
Secretary: None Assigned
Email: hethics@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1111
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Brent Crane
- Britt Raybould
- Vito Barbieri – Alternate
- John Gannon
- Brooke Green
- Chris Mathias
Health and Welfare
Meeting Days: Daily, 9:00 am, Room EW20
Secretary: Irene Moore
Email: hhel@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1138
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: John Vander Woude
- Vice Chair: Marco Adam Erickson
- Dori Healey
- Jordan Redman
- Josh Wheeler
- Robert Beiswenger
- Tanya Burgoyne
- Lucas B. Cayler
- Ben G. Fuhriman
- David J. Leavitt
- Lori McCann
- Cornel Rasor
- Faye Thompson
- Ilana Rubel
- Megan Egbert
Judiciary, Rules and Administration
Meeting Days: Odd Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW42
Secretary: Nancy Conrad
Email: hjud@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1127
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Bruce D. Skaug
- Vice Chair: Joe Alfieri
- Heather Scott
- Barbara Ehardt
- Marco Adam Erickson
- Dan Garner
- Clay Handy
- Dale R. Hawkins
- Edward H. Hill
- Clint Hostetler
- Mike J. Pohanka
- John Shirts
- John Gannon
- Chris Mathias
- Ilana Rubel
Local Government
Meeting Days: Even Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW05
Secretary: Elijah Phipps
Email: hloc@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1147
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Barbara Ehardt
- Vice Chair: Jeff J. Cornilles
- Marco Adam Erickson
- Bruce D. Skaug
- Jon O. Weber
- Joe Alfieri
- Richard W. Cheatum
- Dale R. Hawkins
- Dori Healey
- Elaine Price
- Lucas B. Cayler
- Cornel Rasor
- Josh Wheeler
- Steve Berch
- Monica C. Church
Resources and Conservation
Meeting Days: Odd Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW40
Secretary: Andrea Blades
Email: hres@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1136
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Ron Mendive
- Vice Chair: Charlie Shepherd
- Judy Boyle
- John Vander Woude
- Dustin Manwaring
- Britt Raybould
- Stephanie Jo Mickelsen
- Jack Nelsen
- Douglas T. Pickett
- Jerald Raymond
- Josh Tanner
- Steve Miller
- Kevin Andrus
- Shawn Dygert
- James Petzke
- Mark Sauter
- Soñia R. Galaviz
- Monica C. Church
Revenue and Taxation
Meeting Days: Daily, 9:00 am, Room EW42
Secretary: Cameron Douglas
Email: hrev@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1125
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: David M. Cannon
- Vice Chair: Jon O. Weber
- Charlie Shepherd
- Richard W. Cheatum
- Jeff J. Cornilles
- Jeff Ehlers
- Jason A. Monks
- Jerald Raymond
- Kevin Andrus
- Chris Bruce
- Edward H. Hill
- Britt Raybould
- John Shirts
- John Gannon
- Steve Berch
State Affairs
Meeting Days: Daily, 9:00 am, Room EW40
Secretary: Liaza Richardson
Email: hstaf@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1145
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Brent Crane
- Vice Chair: Heather Scott
- Joe A. Palmer
- Vito Barbieri
- James Holtzclaw
- Bruce D. Skaug
- Joe Alfieri
- Jaron Crane
- Judy Boyle
- Shawn Dygert
- Clint Hostetler
- Stephanie Jo Mickelsen
- Mike J. Pohanka
- Theodore B. Achilles
- Brooke Green
Transportation and Defense
Meeting Days: Even Days, 1:30 pm, Room EW40
Secretary: Tracey McDonnell
Email: htran@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1146
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Joe A. Palmer
- Vice Chair: Brandon Mitchell
- James Holtzclaw
- Jason A. Monks
- Charlie Shepherd
- Jaron Crane
- Clay Handy
- Edward H. Hill
- James Petzke
- Judy Boyle
- Lance W. Clow
- Kyle Harris
- Stephanie Jo Mickelsen
- Mike J. Pohanka
- John Gannon
- Brooke Green
Ways and Means
Meeting Days: On Call, pm, Room EW05
Secretary: Kyra Swearingen
Email: hway@house.idaho.gov
Phone: 332-1159
Testimony Registration
Committee Members:
- Chair: Jeff Ehlers
- Jason A. Monks
- Josh Tanner
- Jaron Crane
- Ilana Rubel
- Steve Berch
- Theodore B. Achilles
Take Action – Bills That Need Your Help
Citizen Ballot Initiative (H0002)
This House bill would require ballot initiatives to pass with 60% of the vote, a higher requirement than legislators have for passing legislation! No other state has such extreme requirements for voters. Here is an online tool you can use to contact your legislators and ask them to vote NO on this bill. It has been referred to House State Affairs. Learn More